

Beat The Meetles celebrates 30 years anniversary and performs the legendary danish “60 Years Ago” KB hallen concert.

It’a a bit hard to comprehend, but this year it is, obviously, thirty years since we got together and decided to form the ultimate nerdy and authentic danish Beatles tribute band, Beat The Meetles. The first ten years saw us as a busy working live band, playing 40 to 50 (sometimes more) gigs a year, working our way thru the whole Beatles repetoire. Hundreds of gigs at venues and festivals in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, representing Denmark twice at the annual Liverpool Beatles Convention (once followed by national TV DR2), several tv performances etc, is just some of the many fantastic experiences we have had as a band. Although we have always been very serious about authenticity in presenting The Beatles music and done our best to recreate the sound and feel of The Beatles as a live playing band, it has at the same time always been something we did besides playing in other projects and working on (our own) original material in various projects and bands thru the years. We are all still very busy in our individual projects and bands, but we simply have to celebrate our 30th anniversary by doing something this year. We will in autumn this year at specific gig’s also celebrate that it is 60 years ago the Beatles played their only concert in Denmark by recreating this “KB hallen” concert in all details together with a “Greatest Hit’s” set

Beat The Meetles will perform their new show at Drammen Teater, Oslo, Norway on October 26th.

Beat The Meetles will perform at the Ø-dur festival Orø, August 9th, 2019. Beat The Meetles look forward to present their new 2019 show at this venue.

Beat The Meetles thanks all for joining the gig’s at the “Den Gamle By” in Århus. Great with all the visitors, also from abroad, and all the positive feedback. Also thanks for seeing and commenting the clips from the gig, within 2 weeks more than 10.000 views; Thanks.

Beat The Meetles will perform at “Den Gamle By” in Århus with a special designed performance focussed on 1968. No less than 6 gig’s during the last 3 weeks of September. See Live for details.

Beat The Meetles have their yearly performance at Ribe Hotel, Friday May 18th, 2018. Thanks to everyone joining the extensive 1968 show in Ribe. Especially we enjoyed playing the acoustic part with amongst others “Julia” and “I Will”.

Beat the Meetles ready for 2018 featuring a show consisting of hit’s and rarities from the full Beatles period.

Now booked for the Snake City Festival August 23rd, 2018 in Slangerup

Thanks to everyone participating in the “Candlestick Park” concert in Ideal Bar, Vega, November 11, 2016.

Great to find a full venue with Beatles Mania conditions making the “Candlestick Park” concert an exceptional experience.

“Candlestick Park” concert in Ideal Bar, Vega, November 11, 2016.

“Candlestick Park” will be performed at the yearly gig at Ideal Bar, Vega, Copenhagen. Buy your tickets at:;66-24291.

“Candlestick Park” concerts in 2016.

Now the first “Candlestick Park” gigs has been booked. Come and experience the recreation of the legendary concert, including live performances of Yesterday and Paperback Writer.

“Shea Stadium” concerts in 2015.

Now the first “Shea Stadium” gigs has been booked. Come and experience the recreation of the legendary concert, including a “Greatest Hits” section.


SOLD OUT “KB hallen” concerts.

Thank you to all fan’s buying tickets for the sold out KB hallen concerts.

Beatles festival in Grenå June 6th, 2014.

It was with great pride that Beat The Meetles played the closing gig at the 3 days Beatles festival in Grenå. The pavillion is a great venue for a Beatles concert. Please see below YouTube video by Bjarne Vejlby from the performance of “Twist & Shout” as part of the KB hallen set performed at Pavillionen June 6th 2014.

Beat The Meetles KB hallen tour starts June 4th, 2014 in Ideal Bar, Vega Copenhagen.

Following the success with a sold out concert celebrating the release of “Please Please Me” in 2013, Beat The Meetles will celebrate the 50th years anniversary of the Danish Beatles concert, named “KB hallen concert” on June 4th, 2014 at Ideal Bar, Vega, Copenhagen.

Besides performing the KB hallen concert in all details, there will also be a small introduction by the chairman of the official Beatles fanclub in Denmark. There will also be other surprices happening this day, so a splendid time is guaranteed for all.

The tour will continue the same week at Huset, Haderslev 5/6, Pavilionen, Grenå 6/6 and Hotel Ribe 7/6.


BTM 2014

This year it is 50 years ago The Beatles performed in Denmark, namely June 4th, 1964 with the famous KB hallen concerts. Beat The Meetles will celebrate this event by performing at Vega June 4th 2014 with replicating the Beatles concert in all possible details. There will also be a short clinic and a greatest hits set played at the same venue. During 2014 Beat The Meetles can be seen performing these concert all over Scandinavia, YEAH YEAH YEAH.


SOLD OUT concert March 22, 2013 at Ideal Bar, Vega, Copenhagen celebrating the 50 Years anniversary for the release of the first Beatles LP “Please Please Me”.


BTM 2013

Throughout 2013 Beat The Meetles will be offering the clinic-/concertconcept “The Beatles ‘63” in collaboration with Per Wium & Søren. The year 2013 marks the 50th Anniversary of the release of the first two Beatles LPs “Please Please Me” and “With The Beatles” as well as groundbreaking hit singles “She Loves You” and “I Want To Hold Your Hand”. During the first part Per Wium & Søren dives into the magic world of The Beatles early production and takes detailed looks at the bands song writing, recording and playing style of this particular period to illustrate what lies behind The Beatles sound and musical expression during the breakthrough in 1963.
Per Wium and Søren’s background as musicians makes it possible to practically spice up this part with lots of interesting musical examples. During the subsequent section, Beat The Meetles will be performing note-perfect renditions of the classic Beatles 1963 repetoire. This is the unique opportunity to delve into all facets of The Beatles’ early career.


Time to find the ‘cuban heels’ from their hideaway in the closet. Beat The Meetles will be back with some fab shows. More info in ‘Live’

Beat The Meetles’s “George Harrison” to join the Tim Christensen band

Guitarist Søren “George Harrison” is joining danish artist, Tim Christensen, as bass player for some intensive touring. Søren will ofcourse continue his activities with Beat The Meetles. For more information on Søren’s activites with Tim Christensen, check out his site here.



Sunday May 11, 2008 Beat The Meetles performed with a fabulous Beatles show, closing the Harley Davidson Super Rally festival in Fredericia, Denmark. Earlier the Super Rally festival presented names such as D.A.D. and Volbeat. This concert was one of the last open concerts by Beat The Meetles in 2008 and for the rest of 2008 you will only find the band performing at a few exclusive closed venues. On the other hand in 2009 Beat The Meetles will be touring a number of Danish concert venues together with performances on several major festivals both in Denmark and abroad. Follow the homepage closely later this year, and find your next fabulous Beatles concert experience.



The DVD ‘Live at Svendborg Theatre’ is a huge succes and the second edition is now being printed. This week it hits no. 3 on the Danish music DVD chart at where it has been top ten for several weeks. Don’t hesitate – Go get your own.



The gallery is updated with new pictures of the danish fabs from the august concert at Koege Festuge – go take a look.



Beat The Meetles has now opened a MySpace profile. Click here to become the bands first and best friends…



The live dvd ‘Beat The Meetles at Svendborg Theatre’ is now for sale. Buy the DVD here.



‘Beat The Meetles at Svendborg Theatre’ will soon be released with the following tracks: Please Please Me, Roll Over Beethoven, Tell Me Why and Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey. The DVD is photographed by Babel Film and the sound is produced by Sun Studios and will be available in stereo and Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound.



Beat The Meetles made a clinic at Vintage Show 2006, about The Beatles’ fantastic vocal harmonies, their inspirations and instrumental techniques. See the pictures from the clinic in the gallery.



“Thank you for a great super realistic original sound, behaviour and voice performance on Svendborg Theatre. Both the instrument and microphone sound was 100% original.”

Henrik Maibom.



See the new pictures in the gallery from Svendborg Theatre.



The venue, Huset in Haderslev arranges a busride for the concert at Svendborg Theatre, september 29th. You want to join the ride – call Christian Schultz, +45 74 53 43 73.



Beat The Meetles once again appeared at the festival along with bands like The Tremeloes, The Searchers and Showaddywaddy. Michael Stanley in a classic Lennon posture.

More pictures in the gallery.



The concert at Svendborg Theatre on September 29th will be filmed for an upcoming release. To make the live recording more authentic, the audience are requested to dress up like in 1963 -1965. No restraint but there’ll be prizes for the most well dressed lady and gentleman.



Beat The Meetles will be playing their second concert at the beautiful Svendborg Theatre September 29th. Buy your tickets here or drop by the gallery and enjoy the pictures from last years concert.



The live section has been updated with new concerts – Check it out here. Beat The Meetles has previously performed the songs from the entire catalogue, but in 2006 the band will be concentrating on the early material until “Rubber Soul” from 1965. The concerts will be focused on the original live energy; lesser drugs and more rock ‘n roll.
The new set-up will be super-smooth in the Shea Stadium outfit combined with new Chesterfields suits; the ones The Fab’s wore when the played for the royal family at Albert Hall and at “The Ed Sullivan Show” 9th of February 1964. Drainpipes of course and Cuban heels – always Cuban heels.



Beat The Meetles has just finished playing 46 school concerts throughout Denmark. The band performs examples from the catalogue and tells the amazing story about The Beatles, from the time when John and Paul met until the break-up in 1970.



At Vintage Show 2005 the band gave a concert and told the story about The Fab’s equipment – Vox, Höfner, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, Gibson and Ludwig. Beat The Meetles will be returning to Svendborg Theatre September 29th 2006 – More info on tickets will be on this site later.

See the pictures from Vintage Show here.




Beat the Meetles has just returned from Liverpool where they performed at the “The Cavern Club” and at The Strawberry Fields Garden Party. “The most famous club in the world” is what the Cavern Club is called – the place where Brian Epstein discovered the Fab Four, and in the last week of August this club was the centre of the yearly Beatle Week.

Tribute bands from all over the world travels in this particular week to Liverpool and Beat The Meetles is the only band ever from Denmark to be invited to participate at this much-coveted festival.

The band repertoire normally covers the full Beatle catalogue, but at the concerts in Liverpool the band decided to concentrate on the material up to Rubber Soul from 1965. Beat The Meetles makes it a virtue to give the audience an complete illusion of being at a Beatles concert, and therefore amps, drums, guitars are original and exactly like the ones the Beatles used, and in Liverpool the band performed dressed up in Shea Stadium jackets with drainpipe black trousers, and Cuban heel Beatles boots.

At the outdoor concert at Strawberry Fields, Saturday afternoon, when guitars were made ready in stands to be carried to the stage, it became a real draw when Beatle-freaks from all over the world wanted to get a photo of the collection. Especially if the photo could include one of the Fab Four it made the audience real exited. The band was also interviewed by Japanese television who wanted to know more about the bands concerts and the impressive guitar collection.

But the Cavern Club was the highlight of the tour, and the concert Saturday night became a tour de force in a club with the humidity close to 100 %. It is with veneration and with a certain historical whirr of wings you enter the stage, but the illusions worked, and when Beat The Meetles entered the famous stage the girls started to scream and behave as in 1963.

During the day the band used their spare-time to visit a number of Beatles related sights, hereunder the Liverpool Cathedral, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, even got time to enter a Roll Royce all dressed up in Shea Uniforms for the joy for the thousands of tourist that visited the festival.

Helen (cousin of Colin Hanton – drummer from John Lennon’s original Quarrymen) wrote to the band:
“I saw your gig at Strawberry Fields….Wow you guys are loud! I was really impressed by your performance – you’re a real rockin’ group!”

See the pictures from Liverpool and the concert at The Cavern Club.